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[GWICC2011]ESC 与中国心血管疾病预防方面的合作——ESC主席Michel Komajda 访谈

作者:Michel.Komajda 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/10/20 11:10:39    加入收藏
 关键字:ESC 心力衰竭 心衰指南 

  International Circulation: Do you feel that smoking is still a very large problem in Europe?
  Prof Komajda: Yes it is. But the advantage we have over China and in fact in many countries, public smoking has been banned which has reduced smoking in the overall population except in the younger generation. This is really a worry for us because we anticipate a new rise in cardiovascular disease when these young people reach forty or fifty years of age.
  International Circulation: The guidelines on device therapy have been updated such that CRT is now indicated for NYHA Class II patients as opposed to just Class III and IV. Some have raised objections to this saying that the MADIT-CRT data showed a decrease in hospitalizations but not really a decrease in death rate. What is your opinion on this?
  《国际循环》:装置治疗指南已经更新,CRT现在适用于NYHA II级的患者,而不是只是III级和IV级。有些人对此提出了反对意见,称MADIT- CRT数据显示住院减少但不是真正的死亡率下降。你对此有何看法?
  Prof Komajda: I think this is correct that there are other studies and one European study in particular which was performed in the United States and Europe on patients with mild to moderate heart failure with wide QRS. These patients were implanted with a CRT which was either on or off and obviously there was a reverse remodeling and here again a reduction in heart failure hospitalizations in these mild heart failure patients. So I am really convinced that the expansion of the indications to mild to moderate heart failure patients with wide QRS (because at the moment we have no indication that this procedure is beneficial in narrow QRS) should be considered.

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