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[GWICC2009]Sidney C. Smith教授谈治疗指南与临床实际

作者:SidneyC.Smith 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/11/6 10:07:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Sidney C. Smith 心力衰竭 长城会 

International Circulation:  How do you see the future of using poly-pill in the secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases?

Sidney Smith:  I think secondary prevention offers the greatest opportunity for the poly-pill.  Patients are more willingly to take one pill than taking 3 or 4 pills.  There are some hurtles to overcome however. That is the dose of the ingredients since some patients may need to take a higher dose than others.  Also, by putting all the drugs in one pill you need to be sure that they have the same effect as if taken singly.  In general, I believe the poly-pill’s greatest potential may lie in treating people who have known disease in terms of having a real effect.  A number of studies are underway to show whether it does make a difference.  It will be a couple of years before we know for sure.


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