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作者:王虹 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2013/10/11 13:44:25    加入收藏
 关键字:高同型半胱氨酸血症 叶酸 维生素 蛋白质修饰 

  王虹教授   美国天普大学医学院

  <International Circulation>:  Could you talk about some of the recent progress in epigenetic research regarding vascular injury?

  Prof. Wang Hong: In recent years, epigenetic research into vascular disease has progressed very rapidly. Previously this topic was very popular, a “hot” topic, in the cancer research field but in recent times, we and others in the field have found that epigenetic modifications occur in the atherosclerotic plaque which causes coronary disease very profoundly. We know that throughout the whole plaque, DNA methylation is globally inhibited and that has triggered a lot of study in the gene specific aspect and in different disease settings. So we have some very promising and encouraging discoveries in this field.



  <International Circulation>:  You personally have conducted research into hyperhomocysteinemia. Could you tell us something of the mechanisms of this disease?

  Prof. Wang Hong:  The molecular mechanism underlying homocysteinemia-induced cardiovascular disease (and maybe other disease also because homocysteine has been identified as a potent risk factor for other diseases including Alzheimer’s Disease, other neurodegenerative diseases and other types of cardiovascular disease apart from vascular changes) has also been expanding. The most popular mechanism includes oxidative stress and is the earlier, more classical hypothesis. Recently, we and others have provided strong experimental and clinical evidence supporting hypomethylation which is the topic I have been presenting at this conference. Epigenetic modification is a very important mechanism. This mechanism can explain the disease incidence in the general population. The oxidative stress mechanism probably explains the situation in severe homocysteinemia patients who have a genetic disorder. In the general population, we have other mechanisms provided by the scientific community involving protein modification, protein synthesis and protein editing and I think the field will continue to expand. We will continue to work hard with our colleagues to clarify and characterize different mechanisms and to arrive at a better answer. It is a very rapidly evolving field and is attracting a lot of attention.



  <International Circulation>:  You have mentioned there the work that is going on in the laboratory and its translation into the clinic. Can you give us some insight on how to treat the hyperhomocysteinemic patient?

  Prof. Wang Hong:  The major strategy on the clinical side for treating hyperhomocysteinemia is vitamin therapy. Clinically, the most effective strategy is to provide patients with high doses of folic acid which is a major cofactor for the clearance of homocysteine. In addition to folic acid supplementation, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12 also play a supporting role. In many cases, folic acid in combination with vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 can be very beneficial therapeutically to lower homocysteine and also in reducing the risk for major cardiovascular event recurrence such as stroke which is the condition that has benefitted most from this homocysteine-lowering strategy.




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