
[ESC2010] S.E.Harding教授谈心力衰竭干细胞治疗现状及其研究进展

作者:  SianEHarding   日期:2010/8/27 14:03:00


Sian E Harding:国立心肺研究院(NHL)、Imperial大学临床药理学教授,往届国际心脏研究学会(ISHR)欧洲分会主席,AHA/ESC/ISHR理事,研究领域:心力衰竭的心肌细胞功能;调节心肌细胞功能的基因治疗;源自胚胎干细胞的心肌细胞特征及其在心脏修复、组织工程和药物转运中的作用。



    <International Circulation>:You have done a lot of work in the area of stem cell therapy for CVD. Can you discuss the latest progress in this area? What are some of the advantages and obstacles to stem cell therapy for CVD?




    Prof.Harding: I am very interested in the possibility of replacing cardiac myocyte. I am pretty sure that the bone marrow trials being conducted at the moment, while being beneficial in some respects, are not doing that. Therefore, I have been looking at the human embryonic stem cell derived myocyte and I think that it is pretty clear that there are very severe barriers to using those; although there is going to be a brain trial from Geron that is FDA regulated.

    The induced pluripotent cells have been very interesting for the possibility of immune matching to the patient but I am wondering about the logistics of this. What we are considering is using patients who are being supported on left ventricular assist devices, which gives you the possibility of obtaining cells but having a relatively long and stable interval where it might be possible to make them into iPS, differentiate them into cardiac myocyte, and then reapply them in the context of the LVAD where the patient is protected somewhat from any problems of arrhythmia that might arise. We are doing this particular paradigm with the LVAD for a gene therapy trial on SERCA that we are planning in the UK. The idea is that the LVAD patients will be stable and there is the possibility of obtaining samples from them before and after so you can start to understand if you do get a benefit whether it was due to those cells and whether or not they were integrating and so on.

    The most interesting thing at the moment is probably the very early work coming out showing that it may be possible to go from a fibroblast to a myocyte without the intervening undifferentiated cell stage. I believe it is ???? who has shown that there are three factors what will produce a myocyte from a fibroblast. If you think ahead a little bit from that, there is the possibility of simply introducing those factors into the scar and reclaiming some cardiac myocytes from those, but that is well into the future.

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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

S.E.Harding教授 心血管疾病 干细胞治疗 基因疗法

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