
[SCC2008]The Improvements of Aortic Surgery

作者:国际循环网   日期:2008/6/12 14:35:00


<International Circulation>:What are the improvements about aortic surgery in recent years?Could you give advice to the Chinese aortic surgery?

Lee E. Errett,ST. Michael‘s Hospital Affiliated with the University of Toronto,Canada

<International Circulation>:What are the improvements about aortic surgery in recent years?

Prof. Lee E. Errett:The improvements that have been made in aortic surgery have been to decrease the morbidity and mortality. That has been done through different mechanisms of protecting the spinal cord and preventing bleeding.  Despite this and varying conflicting reports on the various types of protection, significant morbidity and mortality exist with conventional surgery.  The new advances in stent grafting may decrease the morbidity and mortality but they will not replace the need for conventional surgery in certain cases.  The use of stent grafting may allow patients to be operated on that are otherwise not candidates in the conventional way. It is probably advisable to have several centers become experts in this type of surgery as it is clear that as the center becomes more proficient at aortic surgery, the better the results. 

<International Circulation>:Could you give advice to the Chinese aortic surgery?

Prof. Lee E. Errett:The Chinese medical profession is in good position to begin aortic surgery using stent grafting. Many operations in thoracic aortic carry with it significant morbidity and mortality.  This technique ought to be implemented in centers that have good experience with conventional repair and replacement of the thoracic aorta.  Ultimately, it is hoped that this operation with the stents will be preventative because it is less invasive and it will prevent development of large aneurysm rupture and dissection. This also leads to less resource utilization in the Intensiv Care Unit and the Operating Room.  The patients’s stay can be shorter and in that way, less costly.   As time goes on, the stents will obviously be improved and the costs will lessen.



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