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[GWICC2012]心房颤动治疗中节律控制与心率控制之争——美国卫理公会医院心血管中心电生理部主任Miguel Valderrabano教授专访

作者:M.Valderrabano 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/11/28 17:38:16    加入收藏
 关键字:心房颤动 心耳封堵治疗 

  IC: Do you think that the debate between rhythm and rate control will change in the future?
  Dr. Valderrabanno: I think the debate has been taken out-of-context. The data from the AFFIRM trail, where they compared rate versus rhythm control, has been misunderstood. If you asked a hundred electrophysiologists whether they preferred to control sinus rhythm or AF, a 100 of them would say rhythm. AFFRIM showed this in a post-hoc analysis. Patients in AFFIRM that happened to be in sinus rhythm had half the morality. We know that sinus rhythm is better. However, the tools we have to achieve this are horrible, especially the drugs. If the CABANA trial shows that ablation can reduce risk of stroke and improve overall mortality, then that will settle the debate. There are two interesting studies, one of which was published the NEJM by Natales group CHF (?) study that took patients with HF and AF. They did the most aggressive rhythm control—which is ablation—and the most aggressive rate control—AV node ablation and biventricular pacemaker implant. These were high-risk patients with low ejection fraction. The ejection fraction increase in those that had a rhythm control ablation. It was too small to look at mortality, but that may be the way to go. You have to deliver the ablation in a safe way and this is a complex procedure with more risks than we like to admit. However, if it works, we may be able to avoid the toxic effects of a drug.


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