
[WCC2010] 逆转心力衰竭患者心肌重构——Dr Adams专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/7/2 11:49:00



    <International Circulation>:The use of biomarkers in guiding heart failure therapy has seen advances. The biomarker-guided approach may have limited value in elderly patients, whereas it may reduce the risk of heart-failure hospitalization in younger patients who are already well managed pharmacologically by conventional standards. Do you agree with that statement?


    Dr Adams:  I think that as we go forward with biomarker guided therapy, we do need to explore the possibility that elderly patients may not benefit as much from this approach. One of the interesting things about biomarker guidance is that it is relatively low cost and it can be done without inconvenience to the patient. For instance, if you were going to start guiding an elderly patient and you were not able to increase medication and you were not able to change the biomarker, you can change the approach. Another important point is that the data that we have now is in patients who have reduced systolic function, that is patients with low ejection fraction. The problem for patients with preserved ejection fraction is we are not sure what to treat those patients with, so we don’t have good evidence-based medicine in the preserved EF population. I think it is going to be a lot harder for the biomarkers to help us because quite frankly we don’t know what treatment to guide. We do need more data, we do need larger trials and more robust trials even in the low EF and we need to explore the age issue more in these larger trials.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:其他

心力衰竭心肌重构 抗纤维化治疗生物标志物Adams

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