
[GWICC2009]宾夕法尼亚大学Mariell Jessup教授谈心衰

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/10/20 13:51:00


International Circulation: You talked about that in AHA/ACC 2005 guideline for heart failure, there was even no section of treatment for hospitalized patients with heart failure. What is the reason?《国际循环》:您谈到AHA/ACC 2005年心衰指南中甚至没有心力衰竭(心衰)住院患者治疗部分,为什么在新版指南中加入这部分的内容?

International Circulation:   How many members are there in this new subspecialty?

Mariell Jessup:  We don’t know yet because this is a brand new specialty.  Their first exam will be in November of 2010 and now we cannot count them yet since it is brand new as of September of 2008, when we knew the proposal was approved by the American Board of Internal Medicine.  Now the exam is being written and we will have a better idea of how many people are out there who would like to be certified.

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